Art of the Fox

The Conservation Foundation is partnering with the Batavia Public Art Initiative, a committee of Water Street Studios, to bring a series of nature-inspired murals to the Jeffery D. Schielke Government Center, a historic windmill factory that stretches along the Fox River and harkens back to the time when the Fox was a working river, generating power for the factories that called its banks home. Now, as a government building, the grounds are a community gathering space, a public river walk, and a wildflower sanctuary.


A local artist will be commissioned to paint each window along the east side of the building (one artist per window). If you are an artist interested in participating, you can be added to our outreach list here.




The goal is to fill 8 windows with a unique mural that celebrates local ecosystems, the Fox, and our human connection to these natural elements – from the river to the native plants, to the creatures that call this watershed home. Each mural will cost $800 to produce.


The Hamill Family Foundation has offered a matching donation via The Conservation Foundation’s Fox River Initiative for all funds raised for Art of the Fox Batavia. With your help we hope to fill each of these boarded windows with a celebration of local nature!


Batavia window


Donate to Art of the Fox Batavia and stay tuned for the reveal date!


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