Beyond the Basics Stormwater Seminar Resources

In an age of climate change, urbanization, increasingly frequent and intense storms and prolonged drought, how can we plan and design stormwater best management practices for the future?  This is the question that brought together more than 100 local community leaders and stormwater management professionals at our Beyond the Basics: Designing for an Uncertain Future Stormwater Management Seminar at the end of February.

Our speakers shared many incredibly informative theories, plans, case studies and models for how we can change our thinking and what we do on our landscapes to best manage stormwater and mitigate the effects of climate change.

This seminar was presented in partnership with DuPage County Stormwater Management.

Below are links to the day’s presentations:

Accounting for the Changing Frequency of Heavy Storms in Illinois
Dr. Momcilo Markus, Hydrologist, PhD, Principal Research Scientist
Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois


Use of Continuous Simulation Watershed Models for Estimating Stormwater Detention Volumes in an Uncertain Future
Rishab Mahajan, PE, CFM, Geosyntec Consultants
Dennis Dreher, Senior Water Resource Consultant, Geosyntec Consultants


Turf To Native Conversions:  The Quick, Simple and Common Sense BMP!
Bill Bedrossian, Owner, Bedrock Earthscapes LLC


Stormwater BMP Philosophy – Village of Romeoville
Jonathon Zabrocki, PE, CFM, CPESC, LEED-AP (BD + C), Vice President, Robinson Engineering Ltd, Consulting Village Engineer, Village of Romeoville
Keith Jones, Project Manager & Senior Ecologist, V3 Companies


Town of Dyer Stormwater Efforts
Thomas T. Burke, Jr, PhD, PE, Vice President, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.


FEMA Funding for Stormwater Projects
Shauna Urlacher, PE, CFM, President, UrbanHydroEngineering, Inc.


Climate Change is Here, Now How Do We Plan For It?
Kate Evasic, Senior Planner, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
Patrick Day, AICP, Senior Planner, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)

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