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Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

January 28, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

O'Hara Woods work day picture

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Saturday, January 28th
9:00 – 11:00am


O’Hara Woods Preserve
Meet in the parking lot at the end of Beverly Griffin Drive


Due to the cold and wet forecast on Monday, January 16th, we have postponed the workday!

Please consider joining us instead on Saturday, January 28th!


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The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is a National Day of Service that honors the life of Dr. King and his call to action for people to serve in their communities.


Please join us for The Conservation Foundation’s MLK Jr. Day of Service on Monday, January 16th. Your service at O’Hara Woods will help restore this special natural area that provides a refuge for foraging animals, beautiful birds, and delicate flowers. Time spent here may also help restore your own sense of well-being.


Volunteers will participate in removing invasive honeysuckle shrub by cutting and clearing the woody brush. We recommend wearing layers of non-synthetic warm clothes that can get dirty, wool socks, sturdy winter boots, and winter hats. Please bring warm work gloves, water, and a snack. Tools and training will be provided, and we will have some extra work gloves, granola bars, and water available.


Please meet in the parking lot at the end of Beverly J Griffin Drive on the east side of O’Hara Woods Preserve in Romeoville. Here is a map to the parking lot.


Please register before Thursday, January 12th so we can plan for this special day of service! Register here for the MLD Jr. Day of Service with The Conservation Foundation.


We will email registrants a few days before the workday with updates. If we need to cancel the workday due to weather, we will email you by 7:00am on Monday, January 16th. Plan to check your email if the weather looks questionable.


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