Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens, & Other Water Conservation Practices
Sunday, March 26th
1:00 – 3:00pm
McDonald Farm
10S404 Knoch Knolls Rd
Naperville, IL 60565
In this workshop Jim Kleinwachter of The Conservation Foundation will show you how rain barrels and rain gardens work, and how to install them to capture the valuable water resource that falls on your land. He will also show ways to put the rainwater to good use, or to solve water problems with a nature-friendly habitat in your backyard.
The presentation will be followed at 2:00pm with an tour of the 60-acre McDonald Farm, an organic vegetable farm and the headquarters of The Conservation Foundation. The farm, as a showplace of conservation in action, features on-the-ground examples of rain and butterfly gardens, rainwater harvesting, solar and wind energy, permeable paving, and native plants.
Rain barrels will be available for purchase for $65 each. These rain barrels are repurposed food grade plastic barrels that are equipped with spigots, screens to prevent mosquito breeding, and overflow valves.