Beyond the Basics 2022: Weathering the Storm: Building Resilient Communities Through Design
Thursday, February 24th, 2022
8:00am – 11:30am
The Conservation Foundation presents a virtual Beyond the Basics 2022 conference. Communities across the nation are already experiencing the effects of climate change. “Weathering the Storm: Building Resilient Communities Through Design” is aimed at showcasing projects, case studies, and strategies by public and private entities that use green and gray infrastructure to improve a community’s ability to address the effects of climate change. The conference will focus on versatile designs and projects that will increase resiliency, improve water quality, and provide other benefits. This year, because of our current gathering restrictions and for everyone’s safety, we are going to have a virtual conference. We will start with a keynote speaker and then follow with three presentations. The webinar will run from 8:00am – 11:30am on Thursday, February 24th.