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Dayton Bluffs Preserve Workday

September 13, 2025 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Dayton Bluffs

Dayton Bluffs Preserve Workday

Saturday, September 13th
8:00am – 12:00pm


2997 IL-71
Ottawa, IL 61350


Be ready for a workday with The Conservation Foundation! View tips on how to prepare.


A partnership of The Conservation Foundation and the City of Ottawa created the Dayton Bluffs Preserve, which features 100 acres of prairie, 150 acres of woodlands, rugged ravines, water cascades, and the beautiful Fox River. Work activities vary throughout the year and include collecting native seeds, removal of invasive trees and shrubs, trail maintenance, planting and seeding native species, and controlling weeds. If you plan to bring a group, please contact us at [email protected].


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