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Non-Point Source Phosphorus Reduction Study Webinar

March 10, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Speaker: Stephen McCracken, DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup
Thursday, March 10th, 2022
12:00pm in Central Time (US and Canada)


In urban areas, phosphorous can reach waterways through multiple sources, notably through leaf and lawn litter carried by stormwater runoff over impervious surfaces, such as roadways. This fast-moving stormwater runoff doesn’t allow for infiltration and pollutant removal, but multiple studies have indicated that the common practice of street sweeping can capture these pollutants before they become an issue. Led by the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup and distributed through local partners, the Non-Point Source Phosphorus Reduction Feasibility Analysis documents the scope of street sweeping in the DuPage River and Salt Creek watersheds to estimate phosphorous reduction from this practice. To do this, the study used a modified version of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Street Sweeping Tool and produced a high-resolution road canopy map to estimate the effectiveness of street sweeping. The study also includes recommendations for further street sweeping efficiencies and research. One (1) PDH will be provided.


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