A Garden for All Seasons
Join our webinar for planning your native garden so you have things blooming as long as possible and also have some winter interest!
Join our webinar for planning your native garden so you have things blooming as long as possible and also have some winter interest!
Join us on Tuesday, January 25th for the 2022 Environmental Summit with Keynote Speaker, Doug Tallamy.
Join our webinar on February 2nd to understand how native soils form, and how we can start to undo damage caused by earth movers.
Save your spot for DuPage County's webinar on the West Branch DuPage River Corridor Restoration improvements on Thursday, February 10th.
The Conservation Foundation presents a virtual Beyond the Basics 2022 conference on Thursday, February 24, 2022.
Join our Creating Your Plant Sale Shopping List webinar to learn about plants commonly seen at local native plant sales.
Join our webinar covering the Non-Point Source Phosphorus Reduction Feasibility Analysis Study led by the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup.
Save your spot for Wheaton Public Library's webinar on impactful choices for home landscapes on Wednesday, March 30th.
Join our O'Hara Woods Preserve webinar to discuss the restoration of O'Hara Woods and our partnership with Romeoville to date.
Learn about the functions of a green infrastructure plant selection tool to choose plants by site conditions, plant function, cost, and more.
From farm shares to farmers' markets, farm stands, and from our yards, local foods are important for our environment and our health! Learn about local foods, where to get them, and how to grow them, including some you can grow on your own all the way into the fall! This webinar is sponsored …
Continue reading "Local Foods: From the Farm and From Your Yard"
Join our webinar, The Versatility of Compost to Capture, Clean & Divert Stormwater, to learn how compost contributes to healthy waterways.