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Building Health, Wellness, and Mindful Nature Programming

February 22, 2023 @ 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

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Building Health, Wellness, and Mindful Nature Programming
3-Part Workshop for Leadership and Staff
Wednesdays from 8:30am to 1:00pm


February 8th: Building Our Understanding of Health, Wellness, and Mindful Nature Programming at Prisco Community Center, Aurora
February 15th: Building Meaningful and Equitable Partnerships centered around Nature Rx at Hickory Knolls Discovery Center, St. Charles
February 22nd: Knowledge into Action – Working Together to Amplify Impact at Creek Bend Nature Center, St. Charles


Join us for three half days focused on supporting park and forest preserve staff to incorporate the concepts of Nature Rx, Forest Therapy, Park Rx, and more!


Discover the opportunities to build health, wellness, and mindfulness nature programming locally. The training will include an overview of the health benefits from time spent in nature along with various mental health, physical health, and mindfulness programming options. Participants will learn how to identify high-need areas for health and wellness programming in the outdoors and connect with their peers doing similar work across the region to see how we can amplify the benefits to our communities.


Meals and supplemental materials provided. Registration is free to Kane County and DuPage County partners of The Conservation Foundation, thanks to the Kane County Grand Victoria Riverboat Grant and DuPage Foundation. Other partners and organizations are welcome for a registration fee of $150. Space is limited. Please fill out our quick application and our team will reach out with payment information.


Speakers include:
Ben Page, Integral Forest Bathing/Association of Forest and Nature Therapy (ANFT) Guide and Author
Lorena Lopez, The Field Museum
Laura Derks, Nature Culture and Human Health (NCH2) and Northwestern University
Edward-Elmhurst/Northwestern Hospital, and more!


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For questions and additional information, contact Jessica Mino with The Conservation Foundation at
[email protected].


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