Kane County

Kane County

Kane County, with its mix of urban, suburban, and rural environments, is truly representative of the northeastern Illinois region as a whole.

Protecting natural areas and improving water quality – the cornerstones of our mission – are critical to the long-term health of the people and environment of Kane County. In fact, the County’s vision, encapsulated in its new 2040 Plan, envisions a county where “all residents have convenient access to safe public parks, active recreation opportunities and open space areas,” helping Kane County’s people to become the “healthiest people in Illinois.”

The mighty Fox River flows through Kane County and most of the county drains into it at some point. The Fox River is a highly prized resource and Kane County citizens and communities embrace it. Protecting the Fox River is a priority of The Conservation Foundation.

We’ve been making life better in Kane County since 1999, creating new parks and forest preserves, facilitating the drafting and implementation of watershed plans, and educating children and adults about how to care for our natural resources.

We are also working with homeowners and businesses to promote the use of native plant species and on-site stormwater management practices. Landowners that demonstrate good environmental stewardship and conservation of local resources can become certified in our Conservation@Home or Conservation@Work programs.

Our Fox River Education & Outreach Initiative seeks to help people become more aware of and enjoy the Fox River, which runs right through Kane County, and ultimately leads to increased protection and care of the river. Learn more about the Fox River Initiative!

View a detailed list of our accomplishments and activities in Kane County.

The nature of Kane County has some wonderful guardians in the Forest Preserve District of Kane County. View a list of Kane County preserves and other information.

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