Winter Chloride WAtchers
Are you passionate about the health of our local waterways? Winter Chloride Watchers invites you to be part of a unique program that’s all about protecting the water in our streams! By collecting water samples and gathering important data, you’ll help inform future water protection efforts.
Why Chlorides Matter
Our local rivers and streams are getting saltier and saltier. The main culprit? Road salt—the kind used to melt snow and ice on roads, sidewalks, and parking lots. This salt impacts our natural ecosystems and the built environment. Chlorides, a main component of road salt, are proving to be a persistent issue.
Understanding how chlorides impact our local streams starts with measuring their presence in the water—and that’s where you come in! As a volunteer Winter Chloride Watcher, you’ll learn the basics of chloride monitoring and take part in water testing at a local river or stream. With this data, we will gain a clearer picture of how chlorides affect aquatic life and how Salt Smart winter practices can reduce the amount of chlorides that reach waterways.
Your Role as a Winter Chloride Watcher
Interested in joining Winter Chloride Watchers? Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- Attend a chloride monitoring training class. See below for the latest class dates.
- Commit to monitoring a sampling site at a local waterway of your choosing monthly from November through May. If you would like to monitor more than once a month, notify the staff supervisor to receive the correct number of test strips.
- Complete site registration forms.
- Collect and report your monthly sample results using the Water Rangers app or website.
What You'll Need
- Appropriate outdoor footwear and clothing to suit weather conditions.
- A chloride sampling kit, including chloride test strips, conversion card, and vial for sample collection. This kit will be provided to you as part of the volunteer program.
- Access to Water Rangers mobile app or website to submit your collected data.
Join Winter Chloride Watchers today and become a champion for cleaner streams and a healthier environment. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on our local ecosystems. Register for a training to receive your test kit!
Upcoming Training Sessions
October 30 - 12:00PM-1:30PM
In-Person and Virtual
McHenry County Administration Building
667 Ware Road, Woodstock – Conference Room A & B
There are no more scheduled training sessions for the rest of the winter season. We will train the next batch of Winter Chloride Watchers in Fall 2025.
Thanks to the many new and returning volunteers participating in Winter Chloride Watchers this year!

Winter Chloride Watchers is a program of Illinois RiverWatch. The Conservation Foundation coordinates Winter Chloride Watchers locally. Winter Chloride Watchers is sponsored by DuPage County Stormwater Management in DuPage County.