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Will County Earth Day Gathering

Join us on Tuesday,  April 13th at our Will County Earth Day Gathering for food and drinks, LIVE MUSIC (ohhh haven’t we been missing that!!) and a cozy evening around a campfire where we can toast marshmallows, toast each other (from a safe distance), celebrate the hard-earned bright spots and wisdom we have gained through the challenges of the past year, and rekindle our inner sparks to light up the future.


We’ll be gathering at Isle a la Cache Museum in Romeoville, which sits on an island in the DesPlaines River.  The Bree Gordon Band will light up the evening with live music for you to enjoy with a beer, glass of wine or other beverage in hand as you indulge in savory heavy hors d’ oeuvres.  Dress comfortably in preparation for a casual vibe and evening spent outdoors.  Masks and social distancing will be required for everyone’s safety and comfort.

Tickets are $125/person and the event is limited to 50 people.

Isle a la Cache Museum is located at 501 E Romeo Road in Romeoville.

Whether crooning big band jazz, growling Chicago blues, or wailing R&B, Bree Gordon’s talents are neverending. A powerhouse belter, Bree works with a diverse array of groups throughout Chicagoland, ranging from duets to 12-piece orchestras. Her versatile musicianship is regularly featured in Ring of Music, Swing Assembly, The Jolly Ringwalds, and Hush Train.

Isle a la Cache in Romeoville immerses visitors in our cultural heritage and natural history. The museum and preserve transport visitors back to the 18th century, exploring how the two worlds of French voyageurs and Potawatomi intertwined.
Isle a la Cache is home to a dazzling array of wildlife, including bald eagles, migratory songbirds, mink and turtles.  Explore the grounds, watch the DesPlaines River splash and gurgle by, and experience the renowned Isle a la Cache Museum, which will be opening during the event exclusively for our guests!
We’re looking forward to relaxing in this gorgeous landscape as we celebrate the Bright Spots of the past year and come together to be a light for nature.











Feel free to call 630-428-4500, Ext. 135 or email us with


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