
River Sweep

34th Annual River Sweep
Saturday, April 19th, 2025*
9:00am — 12:00pm

The annual River Sweep is a self-coordinated stream cleanup held each spring throughout DuPage County and parts of Will County along the DuPage River. The purpose of the one-day event is to encourage volunteer groups to help “sweep our rivers clean” by picking up debris in and along local waterways.

*This year, we celebrate River Sweep over a few weeks! Due to the Easter holiday, cleanup date may vary by municipality – check registration or communities below for details.

Registration sign-up deadline is end-of-day Saturday, April 5th!

River Sweep Over Time

How It Works

Participants register and are assigned to a Community Liaison, who coordinates volunteers to remove litter from a nearby section of river. Streambank restoration activities, such as removing invasive species and planting native species, are available in some areas for those who prefer to keep their feet dry. Supplies and technical support are provided by sponsoring organizations to help communities coordinate their efforts.


Register above to count yourself in! To learn more about being a Community Liaison or Group Coordinator, read our Group Coordinator’s Manual.

Fox River Cleanup picture
Volunteers clean up trash under a bridge

Help us expand the River Sweep to more locations by volunteering to be a Community Liaison or Group Coordinator in an area not listed below. Contact Amy Phillips for how to get started – it’s simple!

Restoration Sites

If picking up trash isn’t your bag, many communities offer restoration opportunities to restore natural areas near waterways. Contact your community liaison for more information.

In Your Community

Promote the River Sweep

Share the River Sweep Brochure widely to help spread the word in your community!

volunteer cleaning

Other ways to help include:

  • Sharing this page with family and friends
  • Promoting the event on your social channels
  • Organizing a group to participate in the River Sweep
  • Becoming a Community Liaison for your area
  • Registering for the River Sweep

2025 Sponsors & Partners

Photography by volunteer Nissa Sampson

Ron Remus
[email protected]
(630) 620-2020 x2310

Mary Ricciardi
[email protected]
(630) 529-3650 x580

Dan Finn
[email protected]
(630) 783-6563

Carol Stream
Greg Ulreich
[email protected]
(630) 871-6220

Downers Grove
Julie Lomax
[email protected]
(630) 493-8821

Glen Ellyn
Laurie Bellmar
[email protected]
(630) 942-7273

Chris Carling
[email protected]
(630) 773-2257

Rich Gallas
[email protected]
(815) 444-3350

David Gorman
[email protected]
(630) 620-5765

Amy Phillips
[email protected]
(630) 428-4500 x113

Oak Brook
Haley Colucci
[email protected]
(630) 645-9544

Oakbrook Terrace
Craig Ward
[email protected]
(630) 941-1651

Bob Collins
[email protected]
(779) 252-2718

Megan Walker
[email protected]
(630) 994-4613

Catherine Dorick
[email protected]
(815) 553-0582

Ray Ziemer
[email protected]
(630) 669-7831

Zach Chorney
[email protected]
(630) 981-6282

Wood Dale
Alan Lange
[email protected]
(630) 787-3761

All Other Areas
Amy Phillips
[email protected]
(630) 428-4500 x113

Winter Chloride Watchers Training Registration

Training Date(Required)
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