A River Flows Through It

Fox River picture

A River Flows Through It
Series Spotlights Life in the Fox River Valley


Presented by the River Corridor Foundation of St. Charles, The Conservation Foundation,
and the St. Charles Park District
Baker Community Center, St. Charles, 7pm-8pm – Multiple Dates


St. Charles – The River Corridor Foundation, The Conservation Foundation, and the St. Charles Park District are partnering to sponsor a five-part lecture series focused on topics related to the Fox River. The goal of the program is to increase community awareness of the wildlife diversity and benefits of living near our most valuable asset, the Fox River.


Speakers will explore wildlife and recreational activities that you can experience from land and on the water in the Fox River Valley. The value of the Fox River will be connected to our human impact on these places, inspiring attendees to enjoy the outdoors and care for our natural resources.


The series kicks off on January 12th and continues the 2nd Wednesday of each month through May, from 7pm-8pm at the Baker Community Center, 101 S. 2nd Street, St. Charles. Each program will feature a different topic and guest speaker. All programing is FREE to the public and is engaging for all ages.


“The Conservation Foundation is thrilled to bring back this series highlighting the beauty and benefits of the Fox River to both wildlife and our communities,” said Jessica Mino, Kane and Kendall County Program Director with The Conservation Foundation. “We had so many great topics and interesting people to hear from, it was difficult to choose just five to focus on this year. The Fox River Valley is a fascinating place to be for people of all ages and abilities.”


The first program “Nature Rx: Nature for Your Wellbeing” will draw the connection between the mental, spiritual, and physical benefits that people (you and I) experience from being outside. Speaker Jan Roehll with The Conservation Foundation will go in depth about how this works and why we are naturally drawn to nature.


“The first lecture is really unique,” stated Laurel Moad, who is on the board of directors for the River Corridor Foundation of St. Charles. “There’s a true health benefit from being outdoors. It gives you a sense of wellbeing. I think this will be very timely going into the winter months.”


Kane County has many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, including St. Charles Park District very well maintained and restored natural areas (stcparks.org/trails/), the Fox River Bike Trail (map and app – kdot.countyofkane.org), the Fabulous Fox River Water trail (for paddling – fabulousfoxwatertrail.org), Forest Preserve District of Kane County trails (kaneforest.com), and many other park district/open space areas open to the public to enjoy. With great outdoor resources in Kane County, nature can be a major factor in supporting our personal and communities’ health.


The Conservation Foundation has received a Grand Victoria Riverboat Grant from Kane County to create and launch a “Nature Rx: Kane County” program. This includes: facilitating Nature Rx opportunities with local Park Districts, the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, and local health providers; creating a ParkRx America Database for Kane County; and offering Nature Rx Hikes for the general public. The Conservation Foundation has successfully implemented a Nature Rx program in DuPage County over the past several years and is excited to bring this program and these opportunities to Kane County residents in 2022.


Mark your calendars for the following programs and dates.
Location: Baker Community Center, St. Charles
7:00pm – 8:00pm


January 12: Nature Rx: Nature for Your Wellbeing
Jan Roehll, The Conservation Foundation

February 9: I Spy… Fox River Wildlife: Mammals of the Fox River
Pam Otto, St. Charles Park District

March 9: Fun on the Fox: View from the Water
Ryan Solomon, St. Charles Park District

April 13: Fox River Raptors…LIVE! Owls, Hawks and more
Candace Ridlbauer, Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab and Education

May 11: Your Legacy on the Fox River: Actions for Today and Tomorrow
Brook McDonald, President and CEO, The Conservation Foundation


We anticipate these will be well attended and suggest guests arrive early to ensure seating is available. All attendees must follow current CDC rules for indoor gathering.


Please register for each presentation at: www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4ba8a92faaf5ce9-ariver


For additional information contact:
Laurel Moad
The River Corridor Foundation
[email protected]


The Conservation Foundation’s mission is to improve the health of our communities by preserving and restoring natural areas and open space, protecting rivers and watersheds, and promoting stewardship of our environment. Find out more at theconservationfoundation.org.

The River Corridor Foundation of St. Charles supports and advocates for projects that will enhance the downtown riverfront environment as a destination for cultural, educational, recreational, and economic opportunities that are accessible to all. Find out more at stcrivercorridor.org.

The St. Charles Park District’s mission is to enrich the quality of life of Park District residents through excellence in programs, parks, facilities, and services. Find out more at stcparks.org.


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