CBBEL Tree Planting Initiative Honors Milestone Years

CBBEL tree planting picture

Tree planting ceremony in the Village of Algonquin
The suburban Chicago landscape is 75 trees richer, thanks to an initiative by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. in honor of The Conservation Foundation’s 50th Anniversary and The Morton Arboretum’s 100th Anniversary. These 75 trees were planted in 45 municipalities across suburban Chicago in the fall of 2022.


Dr. Christopher Burke, who sits on the Board of Trustees of The Morton Arboretum and is The Conservation Foundation’s Board Chairman, is CEO of CBBEL, a full-service consulting, engineering and surveying firm specializing in civil, transportation, and environmental engineering. Chris is an avid outdoor enthusiast, and has infused his love of nature and concern for the environment into the company’s culture. This 75 trees initiative is a perfect example of CBBEL’s commitment to community service and improvement.  
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Tree planting ceremony in the City of Blue Island


“I have always admired the work of The Conservation Foundation and how they work quietly behind the scenes to get things done,” Chris said when he joined our Board of Trustees. “I am very excited about helping to increase The Conservation Foundation’s capacity to preserve more land and clean up our rivers.” And two decades later, he has brought a perspective of land use and stormwater management to our decision making, helped us strengthen relationships within the municipal and development communities, and brought his expertise to numerous water-related restoration projects of The Conservation Foundation.


We would like to sincerely thank CBBEL for recognizing our 50th anniversary in this way, and also congratulate our friends and partners at The Morton Arboretum on their 100th anniversary milestone! To view more pictures from the tree planting ceremonies around the region, visit CBBEL’s LinkedIn.


CBBEL tree planting picture
Tree planting ceremony in the Village of Rosemont




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