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Outdoor Learning Educator Workshop

October 19, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

summer camp kids

Outdoor Learning Educator Workshop:
Curricular Connections to the Outdoors

Saturday, October 19th
9:00am — 1:00pm


DuPage Children’s Museum
301 N Washington St
Naperville, IL 60540


Registration is free and space is limited. Registration closes Thursday, October 10th.

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Join the DuPage Children’s Museum, The Conservation Foundation, and The Field Museum for an exciting professional development opportunity for K-8 educators to learn how to incorporate local nature into curriculum both inside and outside of the classroom. Educators will be equipped with the tools to get students learning in the great outdoors!


Workshop 1: Exploration and Inquiry: Connecting Students to the Outdoors
Saturday, September 7th
Workshop 2: Curricular Connections to the Outdoors
Saturday, October 19th



  • $200 stipend for The Conservation Foundation Mighty Acorns teachers
  • Childcare Available
  • ISBE Clock Hours for Certified Teachers
  • Take home curriculum materials


Thanks to our sponsors:

axa xl logo    ecolab logo      Bosch Logo


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