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Cover Crop Use in Gardens & Small-Acre Farms

June 28, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

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Join us for this free webinar!


Tuesday, June 28th


Learn about the use of cover crops in your garden or on your small-acre farm. Hear from our two panelists on their background with cover crops, and what they’ve learned.


RSVP by Thursday, June 23rd
Email Alyse Olson at [email protected] to receive the Zoom link for the webinar.


Our panel includes:
Ashley Hammac, Ph.D. – Ashley has received three degrees in soil science – his Ph.D. from Washington State University, his M.S. from Auburn University, and his B.S. from the University of Arkansas. He has seen and worked in agro-ecosystems across the U.S. Ashley is the founder of Geosmin Agricultural Solutions, an agricultural and environmental solutions company.


Jason Halm – Jason is the farm manager at Green Earth Harvest, a midsized, organic, vegetable farm in Naperville. Each year, about 15 acres of the farm are planted with straight cover crops and 10-15 acres are planted with vegetables along with either a spring or fall cover crop. Jason has experience working with about 5 different cover crop mixes as well as single species cover cropping. He is continually expanding his knowledge about cover crops and hopes to learn more about intercropping with covers and utilizing terminated cover crops as mulch.


Have a specific question for our panel? Submit it ahead of time to Alyse at [email protected].


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