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Gardening for Native Plants, Vegetables, and Beauty… Nature’s Way

May 22, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

McDonald Farm picture

Sunday, May 22nd
1:00 – 3:00pm
McDonald Farm
10S404 Knoch Knolls Rd
Naperville, IL 60565


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Whether you are starting from a grass lawn or have existing natural areas on your property, the Conservation@Home program can help you make your yard more attractive to wildlife and able to retain precious rainwater. Or, perhaps, you are primarily a vegetable gardener and are interested in improving your soil and increasing the bounty of food you’re growing, the Conservation@Home program can help you.


Jim Kleinwachter, Program Manager of the Conservation@Home program, will be giving a presentation on these topics at The Conservation Foundation’s McDonald Farm. Join us for a PowerPoint presentation with lots of pretty pictures and learn how you can get a free visit and consultation for your garden.


The presentation will be followed with a tour of the 60-acre McDonald Farm, an organic vegetable farm, as well as the headquarters of The Conservation Foundation. The Farm, as a showplace of conservation in action, features on-the-ground examples of rain and butterfly gardens, rainwater harvesting, solar and wind energy, permeable paving, and native plants.


Rain barrels and compost bins will be available for purchase, discounted for your registration fee.


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