O’Hara Woods Nature Preserve Workday
Romeoville, IL
Saturday, January 25th
9:00 — 11:00am
Join The Conservation Foundation and Friends of O’Hara Woods volunteers to improve the ecological health of this State Nature Preserve.
Work may include trash clean-up, removal of invasive trees and shrubs, and creating/burning brush piles. Plan to work off trail. Please dress for the weather and conditions, which includes long pants, long-sleeves, and sturdy shoes. Bring a water bottle and work gloves if you have them. Safety glasses, extra gloves, and tools will be provided.
If you have any questions, please email Renae Frigo at [email protected].
Please meet in the parking lot at the end of Beverly J. Griffin Drive, on the east end of the preserve. Use this link to find the meeting location.