Strengthening Our Foundation

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In this season of gratitude, our thoughts have turned to nature and the endless ways it has sustained and nurtured us, especially this past year and a half.

Nature has given us inspiration, places to keep our bodies and minds healthy, and helped us find our inner light. What do you want to #thanknature for?

As we embark on our fall Strengthening Our Foundation fundraising campaign, your support is urgent. We have the opportunity to preserve another seven properties across four counties, but we need your help to do it! Those who give to The Conservation Foundation enable us to act quickly when chances to make local and lasting conservation impact, chances like this, arise.

Think about the ways you have been uplifted by nature.

Then #thanknature with a gift to the Strengthening Our Foundation campaign!

Thanks to all of our leadership gifts from:


Lisa & David Beckwith

Jay Gilbert

Lance Herning

Nancy Hopp

Robert & Nadine Hutchinson

Stephen Tiwald & Karen Hutt

Andy & Monica Johnson

Carole Koch

Paul & Eileen LeFort

Thomas & Margaret Schneider

Chuck & Sandy Youngstrom


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