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DuPage County River Sweep

May 20, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Lower DuPage River. Trees line the stream edge

32nd Annual DuPage County River Sweep
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
9:00am – 12:00pm


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The annual DuPage County River Sweep is a county-wide self-coordinated stream cleanup held each spring. The one-day event encourages volunteer groups to help “sweep our rivers clean” by picking up debris in and along the local waterways.


River Sweep picture


How It Works

Participants register and are assigned to a Community Liaison, who coordinates volunteers to remove litter from a nearby section of river. Streambank restoration activities, such as removing invasive species and planting native species, are available in some areas for those who prefer to keep their feet dry. Supplies and technical support are provided by sponsoring organizations to help communities coordinate their efforts.



Register above to count yourself in! To learn more about being a Community Liaison or Group Coordinator, view our River Sweep page. Help us expand the River Sweep to more locations by volunteering to be a Community Liaison or Group Coordinator. Contact Amy Phillips for how to get started – it’s simple!


Community Liaisons

View our full list of contacts here.


Sponsors & Partners

River Sweep supplies and technical support are generously provided by these sponsoring organizations and partners:

Waste Management LogoForest Preserve District of DuPage County logoDuPage County Stormwater Management logo   American Rivers LogoGerald Subaru logoCBBEL logoItasca Bank and Trust Logo


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