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Salt Smart for Businesses & Property Owners

November 14, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Overhead view of a snowy suburban neighborhood

Salt Smart for Businesses & Property Owners

Thursday, November 14th
8:00 — 9:30am

Naperville Municipal Center, Rooms A & B
400 S Eagle St
Naperville, IL 60540


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Being Salt Smart means using winter deicing salt responsibly to minimize its negative impacts. This approach ensures that we maintain winter safety while protecting waterways, landscaping, pets, infrastructure, and even our wallets. Dive deep into reasons to be Salt Smart with Hanna Miller from The Conservation Foundation & Salt Smart Collaborative, and learn how to protect your investment by being Salt Smart!


Sponsored by:

DuPage County Stormwater Management logo


In partnership with:

City of Naperville logo


Salt Smart Collaborative logo


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