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River Rhythms: Music on the Farm with a Spotlight on Local Waterways

August 9, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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River Rhythms: Music on the Farm with a Spotlight on Local Waterways

Friday, August 9th
5:00 — 8:00pm


Dickson-Murst Farm
2550 Dickson Road
Montgomery, Illinois 60538


Come visit Dickson-Murst Farm for two screenings of the original mini-documentary, Mussel Matters: Saving Critical Species in DuPage County and enjoy music by Redhorse! This event is free to the public and everyone is welcome! Remember to bring a chair or picnic blanket and any snacks to enjoy the show.  Fernando’s Street Kitchen will be there to serve up delicious tacos. 



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