Meet Our New Staff & Board Members!

Jordan Wilson, our new Youth Programs Manager, has worked on a range of education programs, from being a camp counselor, instructing/facilitating afterschool programs, providing academic support, and all sorts of programming around healthy food. She’s passionate about urban agriculture and seeing the connection between healthy land, healthy food, and healthy people and will be a great asset to our youth education work. Jordan has a Bachelor of Science, Agriculture Food Systems and Nutritional Science from Kentucky State University and a Master of Science in Life Sciences, Agriculture and Extension Education from Virginia Tech.



Curt Pascoe, Vice President of Real Estate Development at Ryan Companies, has joined The Conservation Foundation’s Board of Trustees.  As a LEED accredited licensed professional engineer with a background in construction and commercial real estate, the intersections of people, nature and the built environment are particularly intriguing to Curt.   “I was looking for an organization focused on preservation local to Illinois, but that also offered boots-on-the-ground opportunities to participate,” said Curt.  “As I learned more about the Foundation’s history and programs, I realized I already enjoyed using lands rescued by the Foundation in decades past. I want to help so future generations can benefit the way I have benefitted from past leaders.”

Curt is an avid hiker and camper, valuing how time in nature helps him connect to a feeling larger than himself and reminds him just how much there is to learn all around us.  He is also particularly passionate about gardening with native plants, especially prairie species, and raises Monarch caterpillars with his children all summer long.

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